Better Buildings for a better tomorrow 

Facility Information For Business Processes

Macutex captures facility information using advanced technology to help clients execute business processes more efficiently and confidently.

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It’s time to look at things differently

Macutex, a multi-award-winning Australian-owned company, has been providing asset assessment, data collection and reporting solutions as core business to the facility, property and asset management industries since 2006. We service all levels of government, and the private and not-for-profit sectors from the major cities to the most remote parts of Australia.

This experience has led to a strong appreciation and understanding of the importance of facility information for the success of business processes.

Whether it’s planning and prioritising maintenance works, procuring or managing facility-related services, or promoting a facility for stakeholder engagement, having the right information for the right people at the right moment can make all the difference.

Where We Create Value

Asset and Facilities Management

Knowing what to and what to spend where, when and most importantly, why.

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Procurement and Contract Management

Managing commercial and reputational risk.

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Facility Promotion and Stakeholder Engagement

Enhancing stakeholder relations and financial return.

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 Why Choose Macutex? 

1. We focus on your success

Whilst service contracts are  delivered business to  business, we understand  that successful outcomes  are created by people-to-people relationships. We view our role as being there to make your job role easier.

We appreciate that each client has different professional and personal drivers, performance metrics to achieve, preferences for how they work, and varying appetites for risk, innovation and change. Whilst project objectives may be uniform across the industry, the way to achieve them are not. We make it our purpose to understand what success looks like for you.

Your success is our success.

2. Create more with less

With increasing operational challenges such as resource availability, regulatory and administrative compliance obligations, and economic constraints, e.g. rate capping for local Government, it is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve what needs to be achieved.

Macutex’s service offering and delivery model is based on identifying ways to create more with less compared to traditional business-as-usual practices. More relevant information and less time taken to obtain it. More insights with less data. More resource allocation and investment for less effort trying to secure it. More capital improvements to buildings for less time and money.

We achieve this by, but not limited to:

  • Advanced technology
  • Simplifying processes and procedures
  • Accessing economies of scale across Macutex’s existing client base (e.g. regional travel)

3. Shared experience and knowledge

We believe that a rising tide lifts all boats and that everyone benefits from the sharing of experience and knowledge – not just for the delivery of a current project but for the next project and the next job role too. Macutex does not consider its services fully completed unless there has also been a sharing of experience and knowledge amongst all project stakeholders. This outcome builds greater capability, resilience and opportunity within the industry into the future.